V I C I - The New Album Is Out Now!

Most of Paul Lizzi's effort was always to do the same thing. Evolve.


This new album appropriately titled 'VICI' is a testament to the conquering of his ability to overcome the challenges of evolving into a new sound, a new look, a slew of music videos around the world to showcase his earthly passion so as to summon a world tour - all over again. 


You may just have heard of him or have known his 30 year journey having started at the age of 5 - you will be evicerated by the amount of patience and perseverance he has shown. 


With that in mind, the album title came to him when visiting Rome and seeing the pantheon for the first time in his adult life. A feeling of conquering this new step in his career hit him hard just like the history of the city of Rome.


Having released it in covid times is also a challenge where the fruits of labor were removed after this long 7 year process.


Nonetheless, it will be celebrated on September 13th at LOAM.


The album is now available on all platforms! 

( click to listen on spotify )

( click to listen on apple music )



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